JJ Wilde

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When someone asked JJ Wilde to choose between music and a relationship, there's only ever been one answer: music. Music has permeated every part of JJ Wilde’s life since childhood, and it’s something she’s held closely: an unwavering connection she’s fought to foster.

But in 2018, Wilde came to a crossroads. At 26, she was working three jobs and had resigned to the idea that music might not work out for her, but she continued writing because that’s what she was born to do. By then, she amassed over 500 songs, some of which became the basis for her debut album, Ruthless which she released in June 2020.

Wilde may not have had a clear vision of what exactly her music would look like, but she knew how she wanted it to feel.

“Before the writing trip I had thought about what I had to say, what my message was and that was to give an unfiltered, unapologetic point of view on my personal experiences, and really anything. I just wanted it to be raw,” says Wilde.

The album’s single “The Rush” set records, sitting atop all three Canadian rock radio charts for an unprecedented 10-weeks. She was the first female to accomplish this feat, putting her on a very short list that includes the likes of Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Kings Of Leon and the Black Keys. The track also found a home on marquee streaming playlists around the world -- Canada, US, France, Brazil, UK, Australia, Germany, Russia and more.

Ruthless is, in fact, a raw, unapologetic view of the world through the eyes of a 27-year-old woman, and a culmination of Wilde’s journey: raw, rough and full of brutal honesty. “I wanted to tell people who I am, so they could enjoy it...or not.”


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